Portrait of John Dee painted during the 17th century by an unknown artist. It is taken from the National Maritime Museum at Greenwich. 1609 (Wikimedia Commons)
"Enochian Alphabet." Enochian. November 21, 2009. http://enochian.info/enochian-alphabet Featured Image: The painting of the three orders of the Angelic Hierarchy in all their glory: “Assumption of the Virgin” by Botticini, 1475. (manyheadedmonster.wordpress.com) It is documented that Dee and Kelley used certain objects such as a black obsidian mirror and a crystal ball to experience these visions. Dee acted as orator, directing prayers to God and the Archangels for 15 minutes to an hour. Then a scrying stone was placed on a table翻譯社 and the angels were called to manifest themselves. Dee and Kelly would watch the stone and record everything they saw and heard. They were told by the angels that the magic would give superhuman powers to its practitioners翻譯社 change the political structure of Europe, and herald the coming of the Apocalypse. Dee believed that what he was doing would be of benefit to posterity and documented the information into a series of manuscripts and workbooks. He never described the language used during the sessions as “Enochian” but preferred to call it “Angelical翻譯社” the “Celestial Speech,” the “First Language of God-Christ,” and particularly “Adamical,” because he asserted it was used by Adam in the Garden of Eden to name all of God’s creatures. "John Dee - Astrologer to the Queen." John Dee - Astrologer to the Queen. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/bb/john_dee.htm "HEXEN2039." HEXEN2039. http://ensemble.va.com.au/tableau/suzy/TT_ResearchProjects/Hexen2039/JohnDee/JohnDee.html 從1581年一向到1585年的這段期間,迪伊歷經了連續串難以解釋的魔法事務翻譯先從1581年說起,年方54歲的迪伊正是在這一年入手下手在他的日記上寫下他與天主派來的“善良天使”交換的點點滴滴。 There are two different versions of the Enochian Alphabet with one script slightly different from other. The first version is found in Dee’s Manuscript, the first five Books of the Mysteries, and the second翻譯社 and generally more accepted version, is in Liber Loagaeth, the latter being Kelley’s original drawings. The script is written from right to left翻譯社 and may include accents. The Enochian letters have English letter equivalents with some of the letter names pronounced as they would be in English翻譯社 but many are pronounced differently. The alphabet is used in the practice of Enochian Magic on Angelical or Enochian Keys. They were received through Edward Kelley in 1584, in Krakow, Poland. That year he wrote into his diaries a series of nineteen magical incantations. The Keys comprise 48 poetic verses and correspond to various functions within the Enochian Magic system. They are given in the original Enochian Language, and a Modern English Translation, based on John Dee’s Old English versions. 儘管在對漢斯・斯隆的藏品中發現的原稿的研究已獲得不少進展,但現代的神秘主義者要想重構以諾語系統卻依然是困難重重翻譯各類團體和作者都根據這些研究締造出了各自的實用魔法系統,足見神秘主義者對以諾語的接管與推廣水平,從黃金黎明、阿萊斯特・克勞利、以色列・雷加第到乃至是現代撒旦教的創始人安東・拉維都對以諾語有很多涉略。跟著時間來到1994年,亦即美國的遙視規劃“星門步履”被暴光的一年以後,以諾語乃至還出現在了片子《星際之門》裡面。現代的以諾魔法還有另一個產物就是一款俗稱叫以諾棋的器械,它既可以當作遊戲來遊玩也能夠用作占卜,其靈感就是約翰・迪伊的原始圖稿。不外它的系統很是複雜,想ㄧ試之前還得先要精通卡巴拉、風水學、塔羅牌、煉金術和占星學才行翻譯今朝迪伊和凱利昔時所用過的道具可還可以在英國倫敦的大英博物館內找到。 John Dee’s obsidian mirror used for ‘scrying’ sessions (British Museum). http://enochian.info/enochian-keys
約翰・迪伊在女王伊麗莎白一世面前進行嘗試。 時為1581年,神秘主義者約翰・迪伊和愛德華・凱利在有一天忽然宣稱他們領受到了來自天使的信息,後者乃至還向他們透露了在與“對方”進行交換時應當利用什麼說話的秘密翻譯這類所謂的“天使”語包括了本身的字母表,語法和句法,這些都被他們記載了下來。後來,這門前所未聞的語言就被人們稱為“以諾語”,這是因為約翰・迪伊相信《聖經》裡的以諾是最後一個還熟悉這類說話的人。 以諾字母必須從右側讀到左邊,它們的字母情勢和名稱與英語有些類似。這裡參照的是約翰・迪伊的日志版本。
In the year 1581翻譯社 occultists John Dee and Edward Kelley, claimed to have received communications from angels翻譯社 who provided them with the foundations of a language with which to communicate with ‘the other side’. This ‘angelic’ language contained its own alphabet, grammar and syntax翻譯社 which they wrote down in journals. The new language was called "Enochian" and comes from John Dee's assertion that the Biblical Patriarch Enoch had been the last human to know the language. Necromancy: The art of conjuring the dead and communicating with them翻譯社 image of John Dee and Edward Kelley. From Astrology (1806) by Ebenezer Sibly. (Wikipedia.org) "Enochian." Enochian. http://self.gutenberg.org/articles/enochian John Dee performing an experiment before Queen Elizabeth I. Oil painting by Henry Gillard Glindoni. 1913 (Wikimedia Commons) Modern day occultists have found it difficult to reconstruct the Enochian system, although progress has been made by studying the original manuscripts found in Sir Hans Sloane collection. From these studies翻譯社 various groups and authors have created a functional system of magic. The Enochian language was picked up and popularized by occultists, such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn翻譯社 Aleister Crowley, Israel Regardie and Anton LaVey, founder of the church of Satan. Many Satanists have even included Enochian Keys in their rituals翻譯社 some adopting the entire language for use. The Enochian language was also studied by U.S. rocket scientist Jack Parson of the O.T.O. In 1994 the Enochian letters were used as glyphs to operate the arc angle in the film 'Stargate', one year before the US remote viewing program, 'Stargate'翻譯社 was made public. Another aspect of modern Enochian magic is Enochian chess. It is both a game and a divination tool, derived from the original tablets of John Dee. It is a complex system that requires a strong foundation in the study of the Qabalah, Geomancy, Tarot翻譯社 Alchemy, and Astrology. Many of the original items used by Dee and Kelley can be found in the British Museum in London翻譯社 England. http://www.ancient-origins.net/artifacts-ancient-writings/enochian-mysterious-lost-language-angels-003100?nopaging=1 Enochian: The Mysterious Lost Language of Angels From 1581 to 1585翻譯社 Dee began performing a long series of magical events. In 1581, at the age of 54, Dee wrote in his personal journal that God had sent “Good Angels” to communicate directly with mankind. By 1582, he was collaborating with fellow occultist and seer Edward Kelley (1555–1597) to communicate with these angels. Hundreds of spirit conversations were recorded, including what they claimed was an angelic language called Enochian, composed of non-English letters. The Enochian Alphabet was revealed to Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley during “scrying sessions”, when various texts and tables were received from angels. Scrying is a technique used by seers, psychics, and sorcerers to foretell the future and involves gazing into a reflective surface to receive messages. "British Museum - Dr John Dee (1527-c1608)." British Museum - Dr John Dee (1527-c1608). http://www.britishmuseum.org/explore/highlights/article_index/d/dr_john_dee_1527-c1608.aspx 由於約翰・迪伊的原始手稿有良多片斷已遺失,所以要诠釋以諾語背後的意義,公道性和真實性又變得加倍堅苦了起來。別的,在以諾語裡代表王國的Londoh也極可能只是在寄意迪伊與他的皇室顧客,英國女王的聯繫翻譯電腦闡發也證實了以諾語與英語簡直存在語法上的聯系關系,分析也解釋,在《上帝之語》裡泛起的語言特徵其實不同樣可見於天然說話中,前者的語言特徵常常更多的夾雜著一些語意不清,或說就像是在說方言一樣的情況。 "Enochian Alphabet." Enochian Alphabet. http://www.omniglot.com/writing/enochian.htm 約翰・迪伊的天主之印紋章 The Enochian letters are read from right to left, they have letter forms, letter names and some English equivalents. They are as written from John Dee’s Diary. (Wikipedia.org) By Bryan Hilliard
"Enochian Keys." Enochian. November 16, 2009. Accessed May 20, 2015.
以諾語這個名字源自於《聖經》裡的腳色以諾,他是那些的隱秘的神秘常識的鼻祖,並且相傳最後被帶往天國。 Dr. John Dee, 1527-1609, was an occultist, mathematician, astronomer and astrologer who lived in Mort Lake翻譯社 West London for most of his life. An educated man who studied at St. John’s College in Cambridge, was eventually accepted into influential circles of the ruling elite and acted as scientific advisor and confidant to Queen Elizabeth I. He is associated with coining the phrase ‘British Empire’. During the early part of his life, Dee had little interest in the supernatural. Later on, he became disillusioned with science and began experimenting with the occult. Dee was looking to discover lost spiritual knowledge and recover the wisdom he believed was hidden in books of antiquity. Among these books was the then-fabled Book of Enoch翻譯社 which he conceived as being a book describing the magic system used by the Patriarch in the Bible. John Dee’s Seal of God (Wikimedia Commons) Due to the loss of parts of John Dee’s original manuscripts, interpretations have arisen regarding the meaning, validity翻譯社 and authenticity behind the Enochian language. Some magicians have asserted it is the oldest language in the world, predating all other human languages. In some circles it is considered among the most powerful strains of magic and is a method of contacting intelligences from other dimensions. Detractors have pointed out that the syntax of Enochian bears a strong resemblance to English翻譯社 Dee and Kelley’s natural language. Such similarities include the word luciftias, a term meaning “brightness翻譯社” which bears a connection to Lucifer翻譯社 whose name means Light Bringer.” Londoh, the Enochian word for kingdom, might just represent Dee’s connection to his royal patron, the Queen of England. Computer analysis have also shown Enochian to have a grammatical relationship to English. Texts in the Liber Loagaeth demonstrate phonetic features that do not appear in natural languages. The phonetic features are associated more with glossolalia, or speaking in tongues. The term Enochian comes from the Biblical figure Enoch, who was a source of hidden mystical knowledge and was taken up to heaven. According to Genesis 5:24翻譯社 he “walked with God” and Hebrews 11:5 states that he “was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death.” 以諾語:神秘的失落天使語 召靈術:一種把死者理睬呼喚出來與其交換的身手,圖中描畫的人是約翰・迪伊和愛德華・凱利。此圖摘自埃比澤尼・西布利的《占星學》(1806)翻譯 Jones, David. "John Dee & the Enochian Apocalypse." New Dawn the World’s Most Unusual Magazine. September 8, 2012.
現存的以諾語字母表別離有兩種版本,彼此各有些分歧。第一種版本可以在迪伊的手稿,頭五部《神秘之書》裡找到,至於第二種版本,也就是更被常人所接管的版本則可以拜見《天主之語》,裡面收錄了凱利對那些字母的原始繪稿。他們最初是通過愛德華・凱利在1584年的波蘭克拉科夫接收到這種語言。他在那一年的日記裡寫下了一系列的十九種魔法咒語,其中《以諾之鑰》就涵蓋了48份詩篇,對應著以諾魔法系統裡的各類功能翻譯它們原本是從以諾語被發送過來,然後再憑據約翰・迪伊的古英語版本被翻譯成現代英語。以諾字母和英語在有些發音上相當類似,但依舊有其它許多天差地別的發音翻譯據信,這種字母會在發揮以諾魔法來召喚天使或《以諾之鑰》的魔法時派上用處。這類字母是從右至左書寫,或許包括重音。 References "Enochian Magic." Enochian. November 16翻譯社 2009. http://enochian.info/enochian-magic/
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